Thursday, September 23, 2010

Grimacing Tactics

I have recently discovered that there are many more ways to grimace than people generally think.  So I decided I should put up a handy step-by-step guide to "Grimacing Creatively".  Enjoy!

Grimace 1: The Soggy Face Grimace.  This Grimace is one of the more popularly used ones, as it is very simple to pull off.  Simply form an upside-down arch with your mouth, and squint your eyes ever so slightly.  This grimace is used when you are displaying your dislike for a particular film or novel.

Grimace 2: The Puppy Dog Grimace:  This Grimace is most popular amongst young lads and lassies who are displeased with the way their mothers refuse tasty treats.  This one is made up of a relatively simple formula.  Firstly, the eyes, unlike the soggy face grimace, are now wide and open with sorrow.  Secondly, the frown that is formed is much smaller and subtle, like that of a puppies.  Use this grimace if you are displeased with the way someone is treating you.

Grimace 3: The Mad Man Grimace: This is the grimace of all grimaces.  The Mad Man Grimace is formed when intense dislike or hostility is about in someone's mind, and they wish to make sure everyone else knows it.  Bared teeth like a feral dog, wide and leering eyes like a hawk.  Use this grimace as a LAST RESORT.

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