Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Jesus Marketable Criminy!

So I was venturing around through the dollar theaters today, well it wasn't really a theater, but there were an awful cheap movies there.  Something new called "DVDs" I believe, and they were all shoved in a bargain bin.  Anyway, after pissing off the store clerk by pestering him with questions like "What do you mean you don't sell popcorn?" and "What kind of movie store doesn't accept roundhouse kicks as currency?" I decided to start sifting through the movie bin.  After a short while, I came across what I THOUGHT to be one of my all time favorite films, "The Passion of Joan of Arc" but instead what I got was some blatant rip off film, "The Passion of the Christ"

Brilliance in a Tea Cup
Brilliance in a Waste Basket

Some bloke named Mel Gibson must have saw and enjoyed one of me favorite films, (I mean, who wouldn't?) but then took the idea and used it for his OWN commercial value.  For heaven's sake he even swiped the first two words for the poster!  I was quite upset about this, and asked the clerk where I would be able to find this Mel Gibson, and he responded by sternly asking me to leave the store.  I paid the man his roundhouse, to which he responded with silence, and promptly left the store.

I think what really smacks my swollen bollocks is the fact that this film made so much more money than the highly superior Joan of Arc film.  By simply replacing one historical figure with another, more marketable one, Mel Gibson, the devilish genius, was able to make much more profit!  Just goes to show that Jesus Christ is a much bigger celebrity than the fair (and rather foxy) Joan of Arc.  Cheers as always, and if you come across Mel Gibson, give him a smack with a pair of shoelaces for me would ya?

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