Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Pixels and Polygons Galore

If you're a regular reader here, you may recall around a week ago I mentioned something about me starring in my very own computer-pixel-game thing.  You may have also noticed that since that post, there hasn't been much info about it. Much meaning none at all.

I have noticed this as well, and so I stopped by the game designer's office today to see what progress had been made since I had thought up the idea.

The Game Designing Office after Spring Cleaning
After I wrestled the keyboard out of Gorgo's greasy ape hands, I clicked around on some files to see if anything interesting would pop up regarding my game.  After sifting through the many many files filled to the brim with threatening letters towards the mailman, I came across something quite intriguing.

I found something interesting alright, something VERY interesting.
Behold ye blog readers the very first  pixelated version of Nique Liveshitz!

Move over Mario, step aside Sonic, Burn in Hell PacMan, the new king of fantastical games has arrived.

That being said, I actually have no idea what the game is about yet, but if it's anything like this marvelously crafted pixel-Nique, it's going to send many geeky socks a-flying.

But while I'm waiting to find out what sort of digital adventures awaits my virtual counterpart, let's break down what makes other games so much fun.

This way, we can at least make a rough estimate as to what sort of game my persona will be inhabiting soon.


Super Mario Bros: Kicks arse because you can smash enemy skulls with your own fat arse.

Sonic: Kicks arse because you get to defy the laws of physics by spinning around like a spazzy top.

PacMan: See article "Pac(k)Man"

Pokemon: Kicks arse because you get to verbally abuse small critters.

Gears of War: Kicks arse because you shoot things.

Asteroids: Kicks arse because you shoot things.

Monopoly: Kicks arse because you get to kick somebody's financial arse.

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