Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Nique's Four Days of Fright! Day 1

So it would appear that recently, the month has been October.  The end of October to be exact, where certain demon-related holidays are usually celebrated.  Seeing as how I have only four days until the infamous "Halloween" holiday has passed, I decided I may as well spend those 4 days doing something Halloween related on this blog.  Thus, I give you "Nique's Four Days of Fright!"

Yes that's right folks, as the Jack-o-lantern theme may have implied,  I am going to spend the next 4 days talking about Halloween things!  Every day this week, I will have a new update regarding tricks, treats, masks, cats, and whatever else I can think of!  Today's update: "Evil Cats"

As the Halloween season comes rolling by, you may be wondering why there are so many images of cats around.   This is mostly due to the age-old belief that witches took the form of black cats when out causing mischief.  This is, of course, completely false.  The actual case is that cats are nothing less than Demons from Hell sent by some devilish man to harvest the souls of the living, and to take up all the space on our couch cushions.

Let's go over this convenient diagram of a normal, everyday house cat shall we?

Normal enough looking skeleton, standard catlike pose, nothing out of the ordinary right?  Wrong..
The key lies within the structure, I have taken the liberty of tastefully rearranging some of the diagram cat's skeletal parts, and what does it turn into?

Bingo! What's this?  Our ordinary house cat just so happens to share an extremely similar skeletal structure to that of this hell demon??  Most would call this type of evidence speculation, but since this is my blog, and my site:  This is stone hard evidence right here!  As if it weren't obvious enough:  Here's a list of some other reasons why cats are most likely demons:

1. They attempt to claw into your skull while you sleep, probably to feast on your brains.
2. They meow and meow until you give them food, and then meow some more.
3. They carve satanic symbols into your couch cushions, window curtains, and face.
4. They make loud hissing noises whenever you try to pull their tail.
5. "Feline" backwards spells "Enilef" which is most likely the name of some ancient evil or something.

So yes, in conclusion, cats are most definitely Satan-spawned hell creatures.  But how do we stop this madness?  Quite simply, we don't.  Cats, as devious as they are, have developed a psychological barrier no living soul on this earth can ever penetrate:  Pure evil adorable faces.

Awwwww who's an adorable little Hellspawn?  You are!  You are!

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